The test was pretty simple. Not only did I know the subject matter pretty well, I had hours of practice teaching someone else about it, so it wasn't a shock to see the "100%" on my page. Mrs. Li gave me a congratulatory smile as she gave me the test, and it was clear from the quiet groans that my score wasn't exactly common in the class. That said, I was still nervous. As Li walked around the room handing out tests, I stared straight at Taylor as Li made her way over to her. I couldn't see Li's face as she dropped off the test, nor could I see any markings on the page. It wasn't my neck on the line, but, even without what happened last night, I didn't want to let Taylor down. The lesson went ahead and class was over before I knew it. I was gathering my things and almost hoping Taylor wouldn't approach me - I was very aware of my social awkwardness at this point, and was fully aware I was in completely uncharted territory. "Hi, Quinn," Ta...
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